Do you love cranial work? If so, you’ve come to the right place! It is my goal to help you integrate craniosacral therapy into your professional life in an authentic and meaningful way.
This podcast ran continuously from 2015-2021, largely featuring interviews with prominent practitioners and teachers in the field. Also included are live classroom recordings and a few meditations. Much of the content elaborates on timeless principles, so jump right in and I hope you find it useful!
For the final episode of this podcast, Michael Shea returns to discuss his latest book The Biodynamics of the Immune System: Balancing the Energies of the Body with the Cosmos. Michael is a resident of Florida, and continues to teach in multiple locations across Europe. Focal points for this conversation are metabolic disease, related physiologic function, and the capacity for biodynamic work to shift metabolic health.
In this episode Karyn Quraishy talks about craniosacral therapy and the immune system. Karyn has been administering CST in a clinical environment since 2002, and is an approved instructor for the Upledger Institute. She has extensive experience working in the neonatal intensive care environment, and also operates a private practice in Honeoye Falls, NY, dedicated to Craniosacral Therapy.
Sally Fryer Dietz is an Upledger Diplomat Craniosacral Therapist and founder of Integrative Pediatric Therapy clinic in Dallas, TX. In this episode she talks with Ryan Hallford about The Dolphin Assisted Therapy program offered by The Upledger Institute.
In this episode Ryan Hallford talks with Meaghan Beames about infant craniosacral therapy. Meaghan works and teaches in Toronto, Canada. She shares with listeners her educational history, process of setting up an infant clinical practice, and current developments at her craniosacral training school. Meaghan is a delightful practitioner and teacher, with a passion for working with infants. Enjoy this fun interview!
In this episode Scott Zamurut helps us better understand Dr. Rollin Becker's historical context in manual Osteopathy and his foundational intellectual contributions to biodynamic theory and practice. He elaborates on Becker's history with Dr. William Sutherland and highlights his insights into working with Primary Respiration.
Steve Haines has played an important role in the worldwide expansion of biodynamic craniosacral therapy. His work as an author and Co-Director of Body Intelligence has helped create a whole new generation of practitioners. In this interview he talks about his new book “Touch is Really Strange,” Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) and shares some thoughts on remote work and distance healing.
Lori Hendrickson is a craniosacral therapist from the Minneapolis area. Since 2001 she has been helping babies with plagiocephaly, torticollis, acid reflux, inability to form a good latch wile breastfeeding, tongue, lip and buccal tie restrictions and a myriad of other pathologies. She offers online and in-person workshops that elaborate on the techniques she has developed.
Ian Wright is a practicing Osteopath and has been teaching Paediatrics and Cranial Osteopathy internationally for over 25 years. Ian’s experience in osteopathy and his love for health and wellbeing has led him to develop the Dynamics of Stillness methodology.
Mindy Totten is a craniosacral therapist with a passion for helping other bodyworkers build sustainable and life-affirming businesses. She studied craniosacral work with the Upledger Institute and currently maintains a private clinical practice. Additionally, she helps bodyworkers build full and thriving practices through a variety of group and individual training programs.
Ellen Groesser has broad professional experience in both business and therapeutics. She holds a MSc degree in biology and has worked in business and marketing management. She eventually found a home in the field of Naturopathy and craniosacral therapy. She is on the Master Therapist list for the German Craniosacral Association, where she served as a board member. She teaches craniosacral work in Germany and other European countries like Ukraine, Russia, Switzerland, and Austria.