Ellen Groesser has broad professional experience in both business and therapeutics. She holds a MSc degree in biology and has worked in business and marketing management. She eventually found a home in the field of Naturopathy and craniosacral therapy. She is on the Master Therapist list for the German Craniosacral Association, where she served as a board member. She teaches craniosacral work in Germany and other European countries like Ukraine, Russia, Switzerland, and Austria.
Since 2015 she has organized and moderated the annual European Craniosacral Association Network (ECSAN) meetings in Europe. The European network was founded to increase recognition of Craniosacral Therapy, to support therapists in Europe, and to set craniosacral training standards for member nations.
Ellen's home site: www.biostillness.com
Ellen's YouTube page.
A list of Heidemarie Haller's research work, including some studies involving craniosacral therapy can be found here.